Will Baking Soda Remove Iron From Pool Water?

Will Baking Soda Remove Iron From Pool WaterIf you have a pool at your home, it will increase the beauty, but it will turn you into a chemist without knowing. It is because maintaining freshwater in the pool requires some exact measurements because nobody wants to swim in a pool that will make their hair, nails, and other parts of the body stained or discolored as pools can have a dangerous amount of iron, so that’s why you need to avoid swimming in pool water that has too much iron in it.

High levels of iron and other minerals in pool water are the primary reason behind your pool looking rusty brown. Over time the chlorine concentration will get high and lower the pH of the water.

Now you may be wondering how to remove iron from pool water? Many people believe using baking soda is suitable, but still, there is a question that needs to be answered “will baking soda remove iron from pool water?” here, I have some guidelines to learn how to get rid of excess iron and other metal in the pool.

How iron gets into the pool

How iron gets into the poolDo you know that iron is the fourth most abundant metal present on the earth? It is the shiny silver metal that exists naturally in water, but if its concentrations are very high, it can drastically affect the quality of your pool water and become toxic for you.

Over a period of time, it becomes corrosive by reacting with water, so water will start appearing cloudy and high concentrations of chlorine accelerate this corrosion.

So, do not add chlorine as it will worsen the water quality, but iron is not the only metal that affects the pool water and its color. High levels of copper can also affect the quality of water and lower the pH.

Also, using low-quality water equipment can alter the quality of pool water. As the metal parts are made up of iron, and when it dissolves in water, the pool water becomes harmful.


As water coloration is the most prominent impact, this colored water will permanently stain the pool at the base, and then if you swim in that pool water, your nails and hair will also start discoloring, which is very unpleasant. So, the pool becomes extremely dirty, unattractive, and home to germs and bacteria.

How will baking soda remove iron from pool water

How will baking soda remove iron from pool waterMany people suggest that using baking soda for cleaning pool water is suitable, but still, some people are in doubt about “will baking soda remove iron from pool water.” So, this part will clear your doubts.

  • To begin, let me tell you how baking soda works. It doesn’t really clean your pool. What it does is maintains the pH level of pool water. So, maintaining the pH level means that pool is healthy. Baking soda scrub is often used to clean pool pipes and tiles as it is one of the best and easily available cleaners.
  • As the baking soda has a pH of 8.3 that is highly alkaline, but bicarbonates present in baking soda are positively and negatively charged, it attracts the ions and forms a stable compound that settles outside the water.
  • The presence of negatively and positively charged ions allows the bicarbonates to accept both acidic and alkaline charges, depending on the pH.
  • In other words, baking soda can act as an acid and a base in a solution, but it depends upon the climate you are subjecting it to.

How to remove iron from pool water: the easy way

How to remove iron from pool water in easy wayIron is one of the natural minerals present in water. Firstly, you have to check Iron concentration in water, so you need to do an iron test or identify the cloudy brown color of pool water. 0.2 PPM iron concentration is enough for pool water, but if it’s more than this amount, it must be treated.

  • Start by testing the pH of the pool. If the pH of the pool water is 7.2, it is standard, but if it is less than 7.2, you need to add baking soda to maintain the pH of the water.
  • In the next step, determine the right amount of baking soda. As a standard, 1.2 pounds of baking soda is enough for 10 000 gallons of pool water by 10 PPM. So, if you want to achieve 100 PPM alkalinity, you have to put 12.5 pounds of baking soda for 100,000 gallons of pool water.
  • You can purchase baking soda directly from suppliers, online stores, and manufacturers because such a large amount of baking soda is not easy to find in local grocery stores.
  • Be very sure to measure the exact amount of baking soda. As high levels of baking soda drastically deviate the pH of water. As a rule, don’t add more than 2.5 pounds of baking soda in a day.
  • After that, it’s time to stir the pool water in a circular motion as it will help the baking to dissolve quickly and prevent cloudiness over the pool.
  • After stirring, it’s time to circulate. 6 to 10 hours of adequate circulation are enough. Once you have completed the process, it’s time to test the pH of the water. If you have reached your desired pH, it is enough, but if not, you can repeat the same process.

Advantages of using baking soda for cleaning pool water

Baking soda is a perfect and easily available option for adjusting the pH of the pool water. It is the ideal solution for adjusting the alkalinity of the pool by improving pH levels, and the best thing is that it is easily available and not so expensive. All pool owners must try this method at least once.

If you are looking for iron filter for well water, click on the link for detailed reviews.

Final words 

Swimming is a healthy activity, but if the pool water is not clean, it gets unpleasurable. If you are confident that you are swimming in safe water, there is no reason to get scared of getting stained, but sometimes pool water can have high levels of iron. So, getting it tested and treating it with baking soda can be a simple and effective way as it helps to remove unwanted iron from your pool water.

However, a more technical approach is to adjust the pH levels of the pool water without affecting the alkalinity as iron in excessive amounts can lead to dangerous health problems like anemia, so you need to treat excessive iron amount in pool water as soon as possible.

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