Why Is Reverse Osmosis Water Bad For You? Myths And Realities

Why Is Reverse Osmosis Water Bad For YouIf you’re thinking about getting a reverse osmosis system for your home, you’ve probably read many articles, videos, and blogs about how beneficial reverse osmosis water is. You may have heard that reverse osmosis water is acidic or that the reverse osmosis process removes useful minerals from the water.

If you’re thinking about getting a reverse osmosis system for your home, you’ve probably read many articles, videos, and blogs about how beneficial reverse osmosis water is. You may have heard that reverse osmosis water is acidic or that the reverse osmosis process removes useful minerals from the water.

The reality is that these claims are deceptive and give an inaccurate picture of reverse osmosis systems. In truth, the reverse osmosis process does not make water unsafe in any way; rather, the cleansing benefits can protect you from a variety of water-borne toxins.

In this article, I am going to give you the answer to the question “Why is reverse osmosis water bad for you?”

And is it bad in actuality or not?

Reverse Osmosis Water: Good or Bad?

It’s about driving molecules through filters with smaller pores as they progress. Although the specific purpose and quantity of these filters vary from system to system, below is a basic overview.

 The “carbon block filter” is the first filter and removes large sediments.

Chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine are treated by the second filter.

The reverse osmosis membrane is the fourth component. It has pores large enough to allow water molecules to pass through while blocking bacteria, viruses, and a variety of other dangerous chemicals.

The water will then pass through a fourth and, in some cases, the fifth filter to remove stray particles or impurities.

The water then enters a tank and is ready to drink once this process is complete. In areas where water is contaminated with parasites and germs, reverse osmosis saves lives. Even in cases where the water quality is not very poor (like most U.S. cities), reverse osmosis improves it significantly. This generates an excessive number of benefits.

Myths about Reverse Osmosis Water

There are a few wrong statements about reverse osmosis water which claims that RO water is harmful. These myths are explained in the following:

Myth 1: Reverse Osmosis Water is Acidic:

Yes, it is slightly acidic compared to pure water, which has a pH of about 7-7.5. The pH of the water produced by reverse osmosis technology is usually between 6.0 and 6.5. Coffee, tea, fruit juices, soft drinks, and even milk have a lower pH than reverse osmosis water, making them more acidic.

Some argue that because reverse osmosis water is more acidic than pure water, it is unhealthy. Even EPA’s water regulations stipulate that water with a pH of 6.5 to 8.5 is safe and healthy to consume. Proponents of alkaline water make many claims about the “dangers” of reverse osmosis water.

Myth 2: Reverse Osmosis Water removes healthy minerals from water:

Although reverse osmosis removes minerals from drinking water, it is doubtful that these minerals will have a long-term impact on your overall health. What for?

The minerals in drinking water are unlikely to have a significant impact on your health.

Vitamins and minerals derived from your diet, on the other hand, are much more important. Removing these vital elements from our drinking water is not a big problem, as they are also included in a balanced diet.

Only those who do not eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals are at risk of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

While reverse osmosis removes minerals from the water, it also removes potentially  dangerous compounds and impurities  such as fluoride and chloride, which are on the Water Quality Association’s list of frequent waterborne contaminants.

If these toxins consumes regularly over a short period, they can cause chronic health problems. These problems include kidney disease, liver disease, and reproductive abnormalities.

Myth 3: Reverse Osmosis Water is harmful to my health:

There is virtually no scientific evidence that reverse osmosis water is hazardous to health. Drinking reverse osmosis water does not affect your overall health and well-being if you eat a balanced diet and do not have diseases such as severe acid reflux or gastrointestinal ulcers.

 However, if you want water with a higher pH, reverse osmosis systems with optional mineral and electrolyte enriched filters are available. This increases pH and helps reduce the effects of acidic foods and beverages on the conditions they exacerbate.

Myth 4: Reverse Osmosis Waste Water:

One of the most common criticisms of RO technology is that it wastes too much water. It also requires frequent membrane replacement. It is important to understand that any technique used to remove a contaminant from a water stream. And must first isolate and collect the contaminant.

Although ion exchange resins and activated carbon exchange and adsorb pollutants, they may need to be disposed of, either by waste or by resin deposition. The flow of wastewater (waste or concentrate) is continuous in the case of RO. 

The percentage of feedwater flow that passes through the membrane and produces permeate is called recovery (purified water) in this technique.

The proportion of feedwater flow that is wastewater is 100 minus recovery. This wastewater has a low concentration.

Myth 6: Reverse Osmosis system bad for the environment:

RO system is a great choice for the environment. Consider the options available to Americans who want to avoid drinking tap water. Plastic bottles are bad for the environment and buying glass bottles can be expensive (not to mention the inconvenience of carrying heavy jugs).

Compared to these two options, reverse osmosis is a very convenient option. Reverse osmosis is also an ecologically sustainable alternative for commercial use outside the home.

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Myth 7: Reverse Osmosis system is costly:

Reverse osmosis is particularly cost-effective in the short and long term. Our four-tier system will set you back $299, while our five-tier system will cost you $359. This price includes a five-year warranty as well as taxes.


If you are still in confusion about the question why is reverse osmosis water bad for you?

Then let me clear you in the conclusion and the answer is RO water is not bad for you. If you gave read the content then you will come to know that the RO system is the best choice to get purified water.

The only disadvantage that you got is, OR system may remove some important minerals such as calcium, etc. But you can compensate for these minerals by taking other healthy diets.

But remember RO system is a great technology, whose complete motive is to provide fresh water to their users.

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