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Why does my water taste like metal? That’s a question that a lot of people are asking nowadays.
While most call it an engineering-style joke, others consider the phenomenon a result of conspiracy theories.
Believe it or not, the answer is right under your nose.
We’ll soon find out why this happens and how you can prevent it from happening again.
What Is Metallic Taste Water?
Metallic taste water is a distinct, unpleasant flavor in your pipes. A variety of factors can cause this. A clogged drain line, corrosion at the faucet, and even a buildup of minerals from hard water can all cause the metallic taste.
The metallic taste of water may not be immediately noticeable—it may only become apparent when you’re washing dishes or brushing your teeth. But once you notice it, it will likely bother you until you fix the source of the problem.
Causes Of Water Tastes Like Metal
Water that tastes like metal is one of the most common problems people face nowadays. It can often be confusing why your drinking water tastes like metal and how you could fix it. Here are some possible causes:
Mineral Deposit
The most common cause of this problem is calcium carbonate, commonly found in water treatment plants. The other common cause is iron sulfide, which can be created by corrosion or algae blooms.
You might also notice a metallic taste if you have recently been exposed to copper or iron in your home or workplace or if there are pipes that are rusting within your home’s plumbing system.
Metal Presence
The presence of heavy metal in the water is another reason for the metal taste of water. Heavy metals are those that have a high atomic weight and are often considered to be toxic. While they may not be harmful if ingested in small amounts, they can cause serious health problems if consumed in large amounts over time.
Low pH Level
Low pH levels are caused by hard, calcium carbonate buildup in the pipes or water heater. High metal levels can be caused by a leaky pipe or a broken water heater. Low pH levels can also be caused by insufficient amounts of chemicals in your home’s water supply, such as chlorine.
Bad Supply Line
Dissolved metals from pipes can cause a metallic taste. It means that any copper pipes are leaching copper into your water supply, which can cause a bad taste in your water.
Suppose you have an old plumbing system in your home or office. When old pipes corrode, and the water gets contaminated, it can create an unpleasant taste in the water.
If there’s an area where some of your pipes are corroded, allowing rust or other contaminants into your water supply which can cause a metallic taste in your water.
Dirty Water Filter
Water that tastes metallic can be caused by various factors, including dirty water filters, bad plumbing or water pipes, a faulty faucet or sink, and corrosive materials like rust, iron, or other metals in the pipes.
Water filters can remove the iron only if properly maintained and cleaned. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your filter is properly working just because you don’t taste iron in your water anymore. If you’ve got a good filter, it shouldn’t be necessary to change it more than once every six months.
A faulty faucet or sink
If you have a leaky faucet letting too much moisture out of the line can cause a metallic taste in your water.
The sink is not properly sealing it off from the rest of the system, which can lead to mineral buildup inside your pipes and eventually lead to a metallic taste in your water if left untreated over time.
Solution Of Metal Taste Water
The metallic taste in water is a common complaint. It can be caused by several factors, including mineral deposits in your water supply.
Remove Mineral Deposits
The first step to determining if this is the cause you have iron or manganese deposits in your water. It’s best to check with your local utility company to see if they can remove these deposits from your water supply.
If this isn’t an option for you, there are still a few things you can do to reduce the amount of metal-tasting water around your house.
First and foremost, ensure that you run all drains through an external filter before using them again (you can install one yourself or hire someone else). It will help keep sediment out of the drain and reduce any buildup of iron or manganese particles on its outer surface.
Replace Your Water Filter
Use a water filter that removes iron, copper, and other heavy metals from your tap water. The most popular brands include Brita, PUR, and Aquasana, but many others are also out there.
Add Some Vinegar
If you don’t want to invest in a whole new filter system to get rid of metallic taste water, you can always try running some plain old vinegar through your pipes after each use. It won’t remove all traces of iron and other metals, but it will help reduce the intensity of the metallic smell.
Check pH Level
Check the pH level of your water. If it’s too high or too low, then it could be causing metallic tastes. If this happens, change out old pipes or fixtures for ones made from copper or stainless steel—these are both known for having neutral pH levels.
Replace Old Water Supply Line
Replace the water supply lines in your home with copper ones. Copper pipes are an excellent conductor of electricity. They will conduct any electrical current from the tap and distribute it throughout your home until it reaches its final destination—your faucet and sink.
If you want to get rid of the metallic flavor from your water, try running it through a filter and checking if any sediment is present. If there is none, then it’s likely that the source of this metallic taste is in your pipes and not in your tap water itself.