Water Pressure Drops Then Comes Back: Reasons & Solutions

Water-Pressure-Drops-Then-Comes-BackIf you are willing to buy a house, the first thing you will want is a good water supply system in the house. A good water supply solves a lot of your problems related to sanitation and drainage as well as a smooth flow to your daily house chores.

A good water pressure allows you to have an effective water supply system that helps you conserve water, avoid water wastage, keeps your drainage system clean and flushed, avoid clogging of pipes, helps you save time on cleaning and washing activities, etc.

Sometimes, though, the water pressure may fluctuate due to a number of reasons; it could be a problem with the main valve that controls the entire supply system of the house, or it could be the issue with the shut-off valves that control the water in your taps, it could also be a core problem such as the local water supply and lastly, the lack of a water pressure regulator.

This article will provide a comprehensive understanding of how water pressure works and answers all the questions as to why the water pressure goes down and then comes back.

This video will explain possible reasons of low water pressure:

Here are some of the reasons why your water pressure may fluctuate more often and how you can fix them.

Water Pressure Regulator


When you use a good water pressure regulator, it helps you to keep the water pressure in check so even if the water pressure is too high, it allows for it to balance the equilibrium, so it doesn’t cause damage to the pipelines, and it also helps save water from being wasted.

If there is damage or malfunction in the way the pressure regulator works, this could reduce the water pressure in the long run because you are not able to regulate the pressure at an optimal level.

The way you can notice this is when you flush your toilet, you will notice a lack of pressure, or even when you are simultaneously using two taps at the same time, you will notice one of them having a low water pressure. If you feel like there is a defect with the pressure regulator, it is better to get it fixed or install a new one to avoid the pressure issue.

Problem causing valves


Now this is the part you need to focus on very carefully because a lot of people tend to ignore the importance of properly closing off their valves. This is a huge problem because a minor mistake could cause long-lasting problems for you.

This problem occurs with both the main water supply valve as well as the shut-off valves that operate your faucets. Oftentimes, the valves will lose their fitting and firmness over time, or they could be rusted, which means there is a loss of grip. A loss of grip would automatically result in water leakage and the water not being able to supply to the water supply system.

You should always make sure to check if the defective valves are causing the pressure drop in the water supply. A defect could be rusted valves, not closing, and tightening the valves properly. Double check on the valves and hire a professional to install new ones if necessary.

Problematic pipelines


One of the most common issues that you notice most often is the spluttering of water as you turn your faucets on, and the water comes after a while with a lot of pressure. The issue can be a number of things, there could be a possible deterioration in the pipelines that will cause the water to leak over time.

Over time, the pipes get rusted and are prone to damage and this allows the air bubbles to block the pressure of water hence, you notice the fluctuations in water pressure. The air acts as a huge blockage and will continue to cause problems if it is not taken care of.

Some of the solutions to fix this problem at hand include: if you feel like a certain pipeline provides water to a particular area in your house then the first quick fix you should do is shut off the water supply. You can always use a putty or a clamp to fix small damages on the pipeline but if you feel like the problem is bigger than what you can handle, call professionals to assist you.

Pipe Clog

This situation usually depends on the water quality of the area you live in, if it is high in minerals or includes unfiltered water or sedimentation, it is obvious that your pipeline can get easily clogged unless it remains at a low level, you will notice a slight pressure drop but it will come back in a while. If the water does not come back after a minute or two, you certainly have a big clogging issue that requires attention.

It could also be your pipeline on its own or even the faucets that cause clogging and blockage, so it means if you are not using specific filters for your bathroom or kitchen fixtures, they might get stuck in a while. If you are aware of the basics of the pipeline system, you can check for yourself if there is a specific issue with the entire water supply or just a particular area of the house. The better solution is just to get the pipe replaced if it is over due to its time.


How can I make sure I have a low water pressure issue?

If you are constantly having issues with the water pressure in all the fixtures of your house, you might want to have it checked by a professional. You can also ask the local area for any changes in their water pressure, this will help you give information if the problem is just your water pressure or not.

Are steel pipes the main culprit for reduced water pressure?

Yes, the galvanised water pipes do corrode over time causing numerous leakage problems and the only solution is to replace them.

Final Thoughts

Problems related to water pressure are inevitable, but you can always solve them using quick fixes or asking for professional help. A good water supply helps your life move smoothly, saves water, and maintains the life of your pipelines and fixtures.