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Imagine if you just moved into a new home or a new area and you start to live there for a while, everything is going perfectly fine until you decide to shower and you get exposed to issues in the kitchen and sink areas. You start to notice that every time you use the shower or do laundry or wash your kitchen plates, there is staining on them and it makes you wonder what the root of the problem is.
This problem carries on each time when you use the water and you can see gradual discoloration on your white porcelain or marble setting around the house. It is not a good look and most often poses dangers for your health as well which is not to be taken lightly, especially if the problem persists.
Oftentimes, it not only stains the drains and sinks, but it also transcends to the clothing, kitchen utensils as well as taps and shower heads. It is definitely a good look at the newly installed white tiling or flooring. It makes you think about what kind of water is being supplied to your house.
This article will help you discover possible solutions to your problem related to the water leaving orange stains and will also provide you with guidance on how to avoid such mishaps in the future.
Does Your Water Leave An Orange Residue? – Common Causes and Solution
Wondering what causes the orange stains and residue? Here are some reasons and solutions for you;
High Iron Content
It is quite apparent that the stains, especially the orange ones are caused by iron because it has this slight rustic color to it so it is easy to identify. When the high iron content combines with the soapy residue. It causes oxidation and leaves traces of orange stains on all your plumbing appliances.
Whether you are using the tap water for drinking purposes or just for doing the washing, it is essential for you to know that high iron content is not a healthy quality to have.
It not only destroys your cells but also affects your skin and hair. In addition to that, your plumbing devices, pipes, and drains are permanently scarred for life as the stains get harsher with each use. If you know someone or if you are facing troubles with your skin lately, it could very well be the water you are using that is not only staining your bathtub and faucets but also ruining your skin’s natural barrier.
Mould or Bacteria
In some cases, the stains on the bathroom or kitchen fixtures are caused by a rod-shaped bacteria known as Serratia marcescens or pink mould bacteria. These bacteria naturally take place in the air or water and can cause staining on all of your plumbing fixtures over a period of time.
Bacteria are never good news and always cause a number of diseases if there is no action taken to get rid of them either by purifying the water as by using a water filter or fixing the air and ventilation of your bathroom and kitchen areas.
In addition, it is nothing new that bacteria are present in areas where there is trapped moisture, so cleaning the bathtub and drying it out with either an exhaust fan or a proper ventilation system is a good idea to avoid the problem in the first place.
Well Water
The well water you get your water supply from may very well have a high content of ferric iron which causes the rust or red and orange colored stains all over your plumbing devices. What happens is that as soon as you turn the tap on and the water is released, the air contacts with the water to produce oxidation, hence the staining process begins. Over a period of time, the residues cause orange marks.
How Can You Solve The Problem?
If you have a high iron content in your well water, using a water softener is by far the easiest method to get rid of that extra iron in your water supply. If you are already using a filter and you don’t notice any drastic difference then you can use two water softeners at the same time to get rid of the issue effectively.
In most cases, the iron content in water is caused by the erosion of pipes that have been rusted by either the hard water with high iron or just due to lack of repair or check.
So if that is the case, you can call a specialist to see what actually is wrong and then replace the corroded pipelines with new ones that do not corrode easily.
For removing the stains, you can use a ton of solutions such as hydrogen peroxide (bleaching) by combining it with water and making a solution to scrub off the stains. It is better to get the water fixed first and then try to resolve the issue of cleaning the residues.
You can also use lemon and vinegar as well as baking soda to remove the iron stains on the porcelain fixtures in your house as well as on the faucets and showerheads.
How To Avoid Future Staining?
Make sure that you always leave your cleaning and washing areas dry after you have used a large amount of water. Drying out the spaces will prevent the moisture from being trapped and this will reduce bacterial growth.
Another solution is to get an advanced filtration system so that the water that you get either through a well or a reservoir specifically filters out the magnesium and iron content. A specialist will help you find the best possible solution for your preference.
In addition, make sure that the tub or fixtures like faucets and showerheads that you already have are not of cheap quality because if they are, they will get stained no matter what the water quality is. A better solution for bathtubs or sinks is to avoid acrylic material and get the ones that are stain-resistant.
Is there a long-lasting solution to the problem of staining caused by water?
Yes, If you get to the root of the problem, which may or may not be your water supply, you can easily stop the problem from occurring in the first place. So have your water tested first then plan a proper treatment and then have it checked again to see if the issue has been solved.
Final Thoughts
Though the problem might feel like it is unavoidable, this article provides you with easy and simple solutions that can help you avoid the issue of water leaving orange residues in the first place.
It is important that you always keep the health hazards of iron content in your mind as well in addition to its effects on your household items.