Disadvantages of Spring Water: Is It Really Worth It?

Disadvantages-of-Spring-WaterWhen you think of spring water, you immediately think of a naturally purified form of water, usually from a spring, that you can easily access as bottled water. It’s an easily accessible, portable, and affordable product that you can carry anywhere and stay hydrated without worrying about getting thirsty. But have you ever thought that this water bottle has some negatives you must consider?

Some of the most common problems that instantly click in your mind are plastic waste, cost, and the potential dangers a raw form of water carries within itself.

To explore solutions for mitigating the potential disadvantages of spring water, check out our comprehensive guide on the Best iSpring Water Filter Reviews to ensure clean and healthy drinking water for you and your family.

Disadvantages of Spring Water

To trust or not to trust?

Most of the bottled waters you see on the market have pristine sources, as the marketing of their images suggests that the water has been obtained from the purest and most natural sources, such as mountains, springs, and glaciers.

I don’t know about you, but it makes no sense to have pictures of natural resources while we have no idea if the water is coming from these prescribed sources. Most of the water presented as spring water is not regulated by the FDA completely, so most marketers are allowed to sell it as spring water, even tap water.

Plastic vs. the environment

It’s ironic when the spring water is said to be collected from natural sources while it’s marketed in the most harmful way that destroys the environment. Plastic waste, as we know, is a growing issue worldwide that currently threatens our planet. In 2016, 242 million tonnes of plastic waste were produced by humans.

The most hurtful results have been observed in the sea life, where numerous marine wildlife have died from ingesting plastic waste; this puts the sea life at a huge risk and will eventually affect the land. Moreover, it’s a kind of pollution that you can never get rid of completely; even burning it will cause harm to the environment.

To ensure you’re making an informed choice for your water filtration needs, explore our detailed iSpring WGB22B Review.

Is the price worth the value?

You must have seen many celebrities promoting the use of spring water bottles in every interview and how classy it is to afford a natural water product. But is it worth it? Usually, suppose you notice why spring water is expensive. In that case, it is because it accounts for the transportation and taxes on the product, which necessarily doesn’t make it a healthy or convenient choice for everyone. So it’s easy to say it’s not an inclusive product. But most people outsmart the marketers and try to use reusable bottles so they can pay less.

Is it a healthy choice?

Now you must think that if you invest in bottled spring water, you must have the proper and protected purest form of water. But often, it’s the contrary; the plastic in which the water is stored may or may not be clean and hygienic and may cause the water to absorb harmful contents such as BPA, which can cause cancer.

Is it cleaner than normal water?

Most often, you would have heard that spring water is the purest form of water because it is naturally cleaned and purified by natural rock sediments and soil, giving the water a filtered treatment. While the FDA agrees not to monitor and regulate every spring water product, you can never be sure which bottle of spring water is the cleanest and healthy enough to drink regularly. It may or may not contain impurities, and there is no proof of it.

Are the spring water bottles recyclable?

Unfortunately, the main problem, as discussed earlier, is the growing plastic waste that cannot be recycled at all. Most marketers focus more on the production of plastic containers rather than the cleanliness of the water inside them. As a result, over 80 percent of the plastic waste is deemed unrecyclable and dumped in a large plastic waste.

While exploring the disadvantages of spring water, you might be interested in our in-depth iSpring RO500 Review to discover an efficient and reliable alternative for your water purification needs.

Is it spring water?

In most cases, many marketers label tap water inside the spring water containers and sell it to the market. Because it is not regulated, the consumers don’t know the difference between the two because water does not have a taste. This is a fact that the beverage association in the United States has admitted.


What is spring water?

Spring water is water obtained from the ground or soil in a place called the aquifer, where the earth naturally has water set in it, but eventually, it travels, and you can see it flowing from the opening of a spring source.

Is there a preference for the spring or other forms of water?

No, usually, it depends on what you are used to or what your body can handle. Most people who can afford expensive spring water from actual sources buy that because it suits their body and lifestyle. Other people manage just fine with filtered or purified forms of water.

While exploring the disadvantages of spring water, you might also be interested in our in-depth Springwell Water Softener Reviews to enhance your understanding of water treatment solutions.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the disadvantages of spring water, I hope that you decide to do thorough research before actually investing in buying it. Though it comes from the purest sources of water, such as glaciers and mountains, it does not ensure that you are getting the same quality when it comes to the market, nor does it guarantee safety from health risks.

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